Introducing the Kingz World Champs
Introducing the Kingz World Champs
This past IBJJF World Championships was quite the roller coaster! As usual, the event was packed with the best of the best in the world, and the matches showcased epic battles between well-established veterans and fresh new faces.
This World Championships featured a number of incredible upsets, but as you all know, one of the beautiful things about jiu-jitsu is that nobody is always on top. One day can be all yours, and the next it's somebody else's. It keeps us humble, and it keeps us hungry for more.
That being said, we can't be more proud of the amazing performances of all of our Kingz athletes. They went out there and represented all of the qualities that we value: drive, persistence, resilience and passion for the gentle art. Here are the athletes whose efforts paid off, and found themselves standing at that coveted podium...
The Adult Divisions:

Mica Galvao
- Gold
- Belt: Black Adult
- Weight Class: Light
- Academy: Melqui Galvao Jiu-Jitsu
- Instagram: @micagalvaojj
Jansen Gomes
- Double Silver
- Belt: Black Adult
- Weight Class: Medium-Heavy and Open
- Academy: CheckMat
- Instagram: @jansengomesbjj
Amanda Canuto
- Silver
- Belt: Black Adult
- Weight Class: Light-Feather
- Academy: GF Team
- Instagram: @amandamontbjj
Melissa Cueto
- Bronze
- Belt: Black Adult
- Weight Class: Heavy
- Academy: Alliance
- Instagram: @strickermel
Marlon Tajik
- Double Bronze
- Belt: Brown Adult
- Weight Class: Medium-Heavy and Open
- Academy: Atos
- Instagram: @marlontajik
Sarah Galvao
- Double Gold
- Belt: Purple Adult
- Weight Class: Light and Open
- Academy: Atos
- Instagram: @sarah_galvao1
Ashlee Funegra
- Gold
- Belt: Purple Adult
- Weight Class: Light-Feather
- Academy: AOJ
- Instagram: @funegragirls
Mia Funegra
- Gold
- Belt: Purple Adult
- Weight Class: Rooster
- Academy: AOJ
- Instagram: @funegragirls
Mateo Cardona
- GOld
- Belt: Purple Adult
- Weight Class: Middle
- Academy: AOJ
- Instagram: @mateocardonajj
Jose Steve Nduazulu Ndilu
- Double Silver
- Belt: Purple Adult
- Weight Class: Middle
- Academy: DreamArt
- Instagram: @josesteve.jj
The Juvenile Divisions:
Felipe Goulart
- Double Gold
- Belt: Blue Juvenile 2
- Weight Class: Light and Open
- Academy: AOJ
Kalebe Henrique
- Gold (weight), Bronze (open)
- Belt: Blue Juvenile 1
- Weight Class: Medium-Heavy and Open
- Academy: Melqui Galvao
Fernando Paiva
- Gold (weight), Silver (open)
- Belt: Blue Juvenile 1
- Weight Class: Light and Open
- Academy: Melqui Galvao
Brenda Goncalves
- Silver
- Belt: Blue Juvenile 1
- Weight Class: Medium-Heavy
- Academy: Alliance