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      Last Minute BJJ Halloween Ideas

      Last Minute BJJ Halloween Ideas

      Halloween is little more than two weeks away. And like any self-respecting procrastinator, you’ve left your Halloween costume idea for the last minute.

      You have a few options now (as you well know). One, you can rush over to your nearest pop-up Halloween store and rifle through the last remaining dregs of costumes, from an leftover assortment that nobody wanted in the first place. Odds are high that you’ll end up with a very unsatisfactory costume. Two, you can scour the internet – probably Amazon – for a ready-made idea and hope that it 1) arrives on time, 2) fits, and 3) if it doesn’t fit, that you can return it with enough time to order one that does. Ugh. What a hassle.

      Well, lucky for you, you have a third option… we’ve curated a list of easy jiu-jitsu themed Halloween ideas...

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      Horrors in the BJJ Academy

      Horrors in the BJJ Academy

      It’s finally upon us: the spookiest month of the year. With October comes ghost and goblins, witches and werewolves, zombies, vampires and pumpkin spice everything. Absolutely terrifying.

      But we must also remember that there are some pretty scary things that happen in our everyday settings, too. The jiu-jitsu academy is no exception.

      Let’s take a look at some of the most horrifying things in the BJJ academy:

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      BJJ Gi Washing Tips

      BJJ Gi Washing Tips

      You don’t use your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gi like you do normal clothing. So you shouldn’t be washing it like you would your average, everyday attire.

      Your jiu-jitsu gi gets used and abused. Eventually, no matter how clean you try to get it, it’ll start getting that “funk” smell after the first roll.

      Ew. Yeah, I know. The bad news is that you’ll never be able to completely avoid it. Unless you just don’t wear your gi, but we both know that’s not going to happen. The good news, however, is that there are ways you can delay that process, and thereby prolong the life of your jiu-jitsu gi.

      Here are a few BJJ gi washing tips to help you out...

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      Congrats to Our Jiu-Jitsu Con Athletes

       Jiu-Jitsu Con Athletes

      One of the biggest Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu events of the year just finished, featuring some of the best adult and master’s level athletes in the world.

      The IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu Con is an event like no other. The Jiu-Jitsu Con is a combination of several events: the World Master Championships, the Jiu-Jitsu Con International and No-Gi International (much like the IBJJF Opens), the Jiu-Jitsu Con Novice International (for white belts to showcase their skills), the Jiu-Jitsu Con Kids International, and the Absolute Grand Prix. In addition to four days mats jam-packed with competitors, the event, held every year at the Las Vegas Convention Center, is filled with vendors selling every jiu-jitsu product you can imagine and special seminar and book signing events.

      Jiu-Jitsu Con should be on every jiu-jitsu fan’s bucket list.

      Unsurprisingly, some of our best Kingz Athletes made the trek to Las Vegas to compete. Here are a few who’s hard work paid off and hit the podium...

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      Tips for Choosing a BJJ Academy

      Tips for Choosing a BJJ Academy

      With the global spread of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, gone are the days in which you have to take what you get when it comes to the academy you train at.

      Today, nearly every major city has at least a few options to choose from. Which is great, unless you’re the kind of person who really doesn’t like choices. Then feel free walk into any random gym you see. For the rest of us, choices provide us the opportunity to find that jiu-jitsu academy – and that community – in which we really feel a part of.

      So what should you be looking for? Everyone is different, and every academy is different. But here are a few tips to help in choosing the right BJJ academy for you...

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